build v0.2

Game Loop:

Explore and use your grapple hook to find all of the collectables.


Prototype using primitives shapes to determine if the swinging mechanic was fun.

It had a 3rd person character controller and a basic grappling/swinging mechanic implemented.


Added Features:

- Collectables now spawn throughout the map and the game finishes after all of them are collected

- First Level: Forested Canyon with Trees, Rocks and Canyon walls for the player to grapple

- UI Added (Collectables, Game Over, Options)

- Options Window / Pause Screen with settings for Mouse Sensitivity and Music/SFX Volume

- Main Menu Screen with Play/Quit buttons

- Skybox

Bug Fixes:

- Forward and backward movement is no longer diminished by looking up or down too much


Grappling Hook Game 13 MB
Jul 20, 2022

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